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The Memoirs Of The Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo: Vol 2
  • Сlassic
  • 1784
  • Autor: Mr Bernal Diaz del Castillo
How the whole of us marched towards Tezcuco, and what happened to us on our way there. When Cortes found himself so well provided again with muskets, powder, crossbows, and horses, and observed how impatient the whole of us, officers as well as soldiers, were to commence the siege of the great city of Mexico, he desired the caziques of Tlascalla to furnish him with 10,000 of their troops to join us in the campaign of Tezcuco, as this was one of the largest towns of New Spain, and next in importance to Mexico. The elder Xicotencatl (now called Don Lorenzo de Vargas) assured him that not only...
Number of pages: ~ 436 pages